Library Use Has Nearly Doubled Since New Library Opened


By Bill Schrader

The citizens of Crozet and Western Albemarle continue to demonstrate what the new library means to their families. Libraries measure use by two methods, counting patrons coming through the door and circulation, the number of books, DVD’s, etc., that are checked out.

In September of 2012, the old library had 5,001 visitors and they checked out 12,069 items. In September of 2013 the new library had 12,784 visitors and they checked out 20,976 items.

The growth continued in October. In October of 2012 the old library had 5,610 visits and 12,439 items were checked out. In 2013 the new library had 13,262 visits and 22,633 items checked out.

Other activities also demonstrate the popularity of the new library. The community room and the formal conference room had 54 reservations for use in October of 2013 compared to 32 reservations in 2012.

Computer use has more than doubled since the library has opened. With many areas of the western portion of the county still without high speed service, this activity will continue to grow.

Another indicator of likely growth in library use is the number of new library cards issued. Since September 4, the new library has issued 462 new library cards.

If you are looking for a unique Christmas gift, the fundraising committee can place a leaf on the library’s giving tree in time for Christmas for a $1,000 donation (along with the leaf inscription information) by December 13. Contact any member of the fundraising committee or stop by the library for more information.