Crozet Library Book Club and WAHS Leadership Earn Leaves

From left: Bill Schrader, Chair, Build Crozet Library Fundraising Committee; John Halliday, Director, J-MRL; Allie Haddix, Crozet Library Young Adult Librarian; WAHS Students Taylor Tereskerz, Mac Outlaw, Sierra Brown, Colleen Flanagan, Montana Frayser, and Maddie Neisser; and Clover Carroll, WAHS Librarian.
From left: Bill Schrader, Chair, Build Crozet Library Fundraising Committee; John Halliday, Director, J-MRL; Allie Haddix, Crozet Library Young Adult Librarian; WAHS Students Taylor Tereskerz, Mac Outlaw, Sierra Brown, Colleen Flanagan, Montana Frayser, and Maddie Neisser; and Clover Carroll, WAHS Librarian.

Students from the Western Albemarle High School Leadership class gathered in front of the new library construction site May 10 to present a $1,000 donation to the Build Crozet Library fund. The donation will earn the WAHS Leadership program a leaf on the Giving Tree planned for the lobby of the new library. The donation will be doubled due to a matching grant from BAMA Works, and will help to purchase seating in the Teen Area of the new library. Students raised the money by staffing concessions at football games and through their annual spring pageant, Mr. WAHS, organized by students Mac Outlaw, Colleen Flanagan, Montana Frayser, and Sierra Brown. Mr. WAHS attendees were also asked to bring canned goods for donation to the Blue Ridge Area Food Bank. The WAHS Leadership program had a community-based focus for its fundraising events this year.


From left, front row: Sandy Robertson, Helen Wanner, Sara Haxter and Rob Haxter. Second row: Lisa Marshall, Carolyn Hadley, Pat Miller, Elaine Pack and Dorothy Shields, Back row: Judy Hunt, Sam Kellams, Teri Kostiw, Pat Stubbs, Mary Helen Detmer, Clover Carroll and Nancy Virginia Bain. Contributors not pictured included Martha Weiss, Jo Ann Perkins, Carolyn McGrath, Robin Munson, Laurie Keenan, Lill Huffman, Beth Hodsdon, and Elizabeth Guss.
From left, front row: Sandy Robertson, Helen Wanner, Sara Haxter and Rob Haxter. Second row: Lisa Marshall, Carolyn Hadley, Pat Miller, Elaine Pack and Dorothy Shields, Back row: Judy Hunt, Sam Kellams, Teri Kostiw, Pat Stubbs, Mary Helen Detmer, Clover Carroll and Nancy Virginia Bain. Contributors not pictured included Martha Weiss, Jo Ann Perkins, Carolyn McGrath, Robin Munson, Laurie Keenan, Lill Huffman, Beth Hodsdon, and Elizabeth Guss.

Members of the Crozet Library Monday Night Book Group presented their donation of $1,201 to the Build Crozet Library fund in May to help purchase chairs for the meeting room where they will convene after the new library opens in September. They passed a tip jar at every meeting since November, earning them a leaf on the Giving Tree planned for the lobby. Books and computers are still needed—donate at