To the Editor: County Big Bureaucracy


I am writing to warn Albemarle County residents of how our local government seems to have adopted a big government, big bureaucracy mentality.

To wit: I run a legal BnB. I have been paying monthly taxes to the county for five years running. This year I was told I was sent a mailing In January to re-register my homestay. I did not receive it, mail being what it is these days. My next communication came months later detailing a fine of $500 for failing to register. I protested to compliance person Lisa Green who said she had no discretion. I asked for her superior to move up the chain. No answer to either my email or at least two phone messages. I had intended to copy my Supervisor Ann Mallek. But the county does not list email addresses and since I didn’t get a response, I could not copy to her. I wrote Ms. Mallek separately. She responded quickly saying she would ask the staff to respond.

Again, no response. Meantime, I get a bill with an extra late charge, which I forward to Ms. Mallek. No response.

So, here’s where we stand. I paid the fine for fear of another late charge. The fine, which is outrageous for a mere paperwork violation, is surely discretionary as virtually all are. Obviously, if I am paying monthly taxes as well as annually obtaining a business license (do these county departments even talk to each other?), my intention is not to subvert the law. I received no reminders. You miss a deadline, you pay $500+. This is substantially more than if you miss a real estate tax payment, which maybe is a little more serious than missing a form.

When you get stonewalled by the government and the politicians, there is no redress. Taxpayers beware. I have lived in this community for 50 years. I would not have ever expected this kind of treatment.

Ray McGrath
White Hall


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