Crozet Arts Celebrates Spring Ballet Performances

Crozet Arts Spring 2024 Performance. Photo: Allie Pesch.

Crozet Arts presented its spring ballet performances on Saturday, April 27, at Field School at 3:30 and 5 p.m.

The performances included class dances and the premier of Crozet Orchard Dances, a sequel to last Spring’s Crozet Orchard Festival, both choreographed by Artistic Director Sharon D. Tolczyk. 

The set was decorated with  an orchard scene with hand-painted details that referenced the Crozet Flag and its rosettes.

Pictured are Crozet Arts ballet students (front to back, L-R), Greta Cohen, Claire Allen, Evelyn English, Adelaide Arakcheyev, Harper Pike, Josie Donnelly (Butterflies; not pictured: Fiona Bailey); Talulah Silva, Maya Ponzio, Millie Gaffney (Pre- Ballet); Maryellen Pretlow, Norah Celella, Maura Schropp, Lydia Jones (Foxes); Samantha Rademacher, Lilly Ruffing, Saoirse Dair (Bunnies); Penny Donnelly, Josie Ruffing, Haden Dass, Elin Rowland, Ella D’Aniello (Peonies); Rory Cooper, Charlotte Belsches, Ruth Hopkins, Caroline Griffith, Fiona Lynch, Alexandra Griffith (Garland Dancers); Zina Parker (Sun, center back). 

Proceeds from the performances will support Crozet Arts’ general operations. 


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