To the Editor: Swing Dance Thank You


Dear Crozet,

The Crozet Community Association (CCA) thanks the community for their support and participation in the fifth annual Crozet Swing Dance on March 14 at the Field School. Because of your generous support we raised almost $1,200 for the Crozet Volunteer Fire Department (CVFD) and the Western Albemarle Rescue Squad (WARS).

There are many who deserve thanks and recognition for their contributions to the success of this event. Prime among them is the whole Salute To Swing band and their band leader, Leo Mallek, who generously donated their time and amazing talents to make the dance possible. We also wish to thank our supervisor extraordinaire, Ann Mallek, who helped coordinate the event, donated several items as well as her time setting up, running the event, and announcing the raffle winners. Thank you.

A special thanks to the Crozet Lions Club, and their members who donated the water and soft drinks and then spent the evening serving them. We also want to especially thank Kim Connolly, who worked all Saturday morning setting up tables, stringing lights, and generally transforming the space into a wonderful place for listening and dancing to the music and then returned to help at the event. And thank you to Lisa Goehler and Ron Gaykema who stayed to the end to help clean up and put away all the tables and chairs.

Speaking of dancing, a special thank you to Taylor Moore of Terry Dean’s Blue Light Ballroom and his dance partner, Jessica Moore, who provided a free dance lesson to us all. New and old dancers alike appreciated their instruction.

Also a thank you to Starr Hill Brewery for its donation of a raffle item and their wonderful beer. You’ve generously supported this event for all five years.

And of course, the event wouldn’t have been complete without all the delicious pies that were brought to the event. Thank you!

A special thank you to Todd Barnett and the Field School, for their donation of the use of the space and their tables and chairs. Without this donation and Salute To Swing’s generosity, we would not have raised a penny for CVFD, and WARS. Thank you.

We would be remiss if we didn’t acknowledge the generous support of the Crozet Gazette in running an ad in its February issue, and a special thank you to Allie Marshall Pesch for designing our Swing Dance poster for free. Thank you.

Most of all, we thank you, our generous fellow Crozetians, for your attendance and support. We are looking forward to next year’s event with you!

One of the wonderful privileges of living in Crozet is how freely and generously so many give of their time, talents, and resources to make this event a success. If I’ve omitted anyone, I apologize; know that your donation was appreciated even though I failed to acknowledge it. Thank you, each and every one.


Crozet Community Association
Tim F. Jost Tolson,


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