To the Editor: A Library Is All About the Books


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A Library Is All About the Books

If You Build It They Will Come.

1) Since the Library opened in September 2013, through the middle of January, 58,891 people have visited (doubled versus old library); 2 )Circulation is up an average of 80 percent per month since September 2013; 3) 1,255 new library cards have been issued.; 4)  Internet use is up 104 percent; 5) There is an average of more than 50 reservations per month for the two meeting rooms; 6) Crozet is the number one library in the J-MRL system for self check-out with 6,587 folks using it in January.

Why Are We Still Raising Money?

The great support of the community has allowed us to pay off everything you see inside the library so now we can focus on raising funds for only books.

Even with the success of the new Crozet/Western Albemarle Library the volunteer fundraising committee is not finished. We still need to raise funds for 24,800 more books. In the old library we had around 33,000 books and by the time the new library opened the book collection had increased to 51,000. Our goal is 75,800 by the end of October.

Every $22 you contribute means another children’s beginning reader, a teen/young adult non-fiction or a new adult best seller. It gives the library staff an opportunity to review the 26 categories within the collection and make new purchases that fit our communities’ needs.

Just because the library is open don’t think we are done. We still need everyone’s support to reach the goal, and remember it’s a new donation year for tax purposes.

Please take a look at the Giving Tree the next time you are in the library and you will notice that we still have leaves available for $1,000 donations. It’s a great way to honor teachers, friends, parents, children or your family.

One leaf equals 45 new books for the library.

Bill Schrader
Chair, Build Crozet Library